duminică, 11 octombrie 2009

Hell and Heaven....or horryfing senseless darkness?

Hello again!

I have always wondered....what happens with us after we die?...you know...when it's speculated that you lose your ability to use your body and you go in a long,deep sleep.

Of course you heard about all the theories that were formulated about this subject: death [moarte]...I heard some of them: your so-called soul goes in some kind of supernatural place, far from the human possibilities of understanding; you become part of energy in nature; the one with the reincarnation:the start of new life, but in a new body...; or of course, just deep dark and nothing more...in your coffin there.

In my opinion, after death, the soul that "lives" in you so much time during your life, from the moment of your birth to the moment of your death, leaves the proper body and goes on its way to the sky...It is more the religious theory but I strongly believe it:)..so there...the soul stands in front of the God and its fate is decided...the soul starts practically its life then...and this can be in 2 places: Heaven or hell..; and of course, one of them represents good, and the other one, evil..So, if the soul goes to Heaven, it is supposed that its life[that is, by the way, eternity....that is again far from the capacities of human to understand...how long does the eternity last?, but that's an answer that only God know] will be happy, joyful and with no sorrow.but, if it is sent to the hell, its eternity will be painful, sad, and of course the soul will be tortured, as a punishment for its bad doings during the human life.

The human life is just a diversion, a kind of test, to decide the place of the soul during the eternity: so, if you behave well and respect the laws and rules that God told you to respect and put them into practice, your soul will go to Heaven and if not, you'll obviously go to hell...where the soul will be punished for the bad things his body did during the life. it doesn't sound well, it sounds horrible...it may be, it may be not, this theory has not been confirmed by anyone..that is where uncertainty comes..so you can't be sure that this theory is true...

Now I want to describe these 2 places....the 2 places where one of them is the total opposite of the other one. Let's say that the Heaven is just like a garden in my oppinion, a garden where peace and kindness rule and where all the souls of the good people leave in bliss along with the animals, the plants, the fruits, anything...anything that God created is there, in that place, which I hopefully desire to see....I wish I were a better child, a more relicious child, but I am not...Well, of course, Heaven is a place where your soul could stay for eternity and benefit only from the good things, not worry, not cry and not arguing with anyone...it's marvellous in there.

The hell is a horrible place, where the souls of the bad people are sent to be punished for the bad things they did during their lives and live in the misery they diserve...it is far froom our imagination how cruel such a place could be...but I am sure about the very existance o this place...and i don't wanna see it. I know that there, the souls are tortured into the fire of hell and feel oall the negative feelings. they never get to be happy again and they suffer a lot because the demons make fun of them and laugh seeing the souls suffering and living in pain forever...and I really mean forever.

Hope you all get to Heaven:D!

But, of course, nobody brought proofs that all these are true...so the simple man speculates that when someone dies...it loses its ability to move or to communicate or to even think, its body desintegrating slowly...dying. The body is put in a coffin deep down in a cave, then burried, and then laied there. The man's family or friends often come to see him or her, bbut that's all, and he just lay down there, in darkness,not moving, not doing anything actually, "living" in horryfing darkness for the eternity. Soon, he will be forgotten by everybody...and his bones will continue to exist deep down...until he vanishes permanently.
So that's my theory about death...I don't want you to agree with me, because I know that not many people think like me. So, finally, a less emo post:D...nb:)

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